
Viewing Windows and Operating Panels

Displays, buttons, switches and other controls are attractively protected against dust, moisture and unauthorized access.

Viewing Windows and Operating Panels

Viewing Windows

To cover display and operating instruments or cut-outs, and provide protection from dirt and moisture as well as unauthorized access.

Viewing Windows and Operating Panels

Operating Panels

Mounted on AE enclosures instead of door, or for mounting on any sufficiently large surface to protect control components.

Viewing Windows and Operating Panels

Deep Hinged Window Kits Carbon steel

The Deep-Hinged Window Kit (WKDH) is used as a viewing window where access to components mounted behind the window is required. Material carbon steel.

Viewing Windows and Operating Panels

Deep Hinged Window Kits Stainless steel

The Deep-Hinged Window Kit (WKDH) is used as a viewing window where access to components mounted behind the window is required. Material stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304) or stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316L).